Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Yes folks! It's that time again... a time for change! For promising yourself that you will make changes for the better in your life! It's time to make your New Years resolutions! Well, most of you will have already made your goals and may be working on them as I slouch in the old folding chair in front of my computer writing this post. Some of you may be thinking that perhaps you should have made some goals for the new year, but instead you're sitting on your lazy bums watching TV all day. And still others have already given up on your resolutions for this year and are concentrating on keeping the rest of your life together. Because honestly, how many of us really have time to focus on goals? What am I doing this year, you ask? I am working on goals in four categories- intellectual, social, physical, and spiritual. My goals are such that I can accomplish most of them WHILE sitting on my lazy bum watching TV. Lucky me. I dearly hope that I can kept my resolutions this year (hey I've lasted almost a week!), but who knows what delicious cake donuts will be tempting me that I simply can't refuse?! I mean, a girl can only resist so much in life! Studies show that about 92% of Americans don't keep their resolutions, and about 45% give up before the end of January! But don't loose any sleep at night over this, you could still be in the 8% who actually accomplish their goals. And I commend you for that! Bravo! You should give yourself a huge pat on the back for that one! But as for the rest of us? Our lives go on the same as before without hardly a second thought... at least until next New Years.


Tadd said...

You may have made a post that allows you to sit on your bum, but I made a resolution that allows me to eat sugary donuts. Who got the better deal? I'm still doing well on my resolutions too! It helps when you're not doing it alone!

Heidi said...

Yes, I agree with Tadd! You did make an ambitious goal in my opinion! Hope you are still sticking to it. Good luck!!

Alyson said...

I wish you luck with your goals Marissa. I hope we are all in the 8% who accomplish something. Thanks for the interesting facts!

Allison said...

I enjoyed this! if it was facebook, i would definitely "like" it. haha my goals are in those four areas too! The Personal Progress part has already EPICLY failed. but good luck!