Saturday, February 6, 2010

Do You Ever Feel Like....

Something's missing?? As if you go about your life in the same routine, doing the same things day in and day out, with little change. Sure, you ate Frosted Flakes for breakfast today instead of Cocoa Puffs, but other than that it's all the same old-same old. And every time you try to break out of your routine and do something different-be someone different-you are held back by the sameness of your life. Sometimes don't you just want to throw back your head and yell into that blue abyss we call the sky, and tell the clouds that just once could they let it snow in the middle of July? To have your teachers decide to go outside and play kickball instead of making you take that excruciatingly long test. Where's the spontaneity in life? The little things that catch you off-guard and make you smile. The song that comes on your Ipod that fits your mood like a glove, or getting ten out of ten on a skills test you thought you'd fail in gym class. This mindless routine is not good enough for me, I need more from life! That's why no matter how many times this routine and complete sameness holds me back, I'm going to dare to be different and perhaps slip a little Tabasco sauce in my Kool-Aid.


Unknown said...

YOU GO GIRL!! I LOVED this post!! And yes, I feel like that all the time, you are not alone on this one.

Josie said...

I don't know about tabasco sauce and koolaid...but a little Michael Buble is always nice...I love the songs on your blog! You could always wear mismatch socks...(Jimmy said I couldn't put 'and crazy underwear'.) :)

Alyson said...

How about dressing up more? I'm going to put a few pictures of you dressed up on my blog today to spice things up.

Allison said...

Favorite line: "Sometimes don't you just want to throw back your head and yell into that blue abyss we call the sky, and tell the clouds that just once could they let it snow in the middle of July?" you're GOOD!! i really enjoyed that! bring on the tabasco! Nice work!