Sunday, January 9, 2011


I float through a sea of nameless faces,

People I should know but don’t.

They appraise me with their all-knowing gaze,

Deciding my social status with a single glance,

Am I a nerd?

A band geek?

A nobody?

A freak?

Where I live, these labels are determined for you,

Not based on who you are,

But based on how you dress,

Your body type,

And what you look like.

This is why I shuffle along, day after day,

And wonder,

What name is branded onto my forehead?

1 comment:

Josie said...

Thanks for the post...interesting...

So, I guess the next questions are, 'What do you, Marissa, see in others?'
'What criteria do you use to brand your peers?'
'What does it initially take to let someone in to your life/personal space/confidence?'
'And what would the ideal person, classmate, friend look/act/be like?'